CenturyLink Headquarters | Monroe, Louisiana

Tec Studio completed interior lighting design services for CentruyLink’s new 258,000 square foot corporate technology center and 2 acre landscaped courtyard connecting to the existing headquarter building to new road and area lighting on this 77 acre site. 

The building includes multiple open office spaces, meeting rooms, conference rooms, a large Atrium and a Cafeteria to serve the 850+ employees located on the site. 

Designed for LEED certification, this project received LEED Silver. Energy efficiency components include daylight harvesting and lighting power density that came is more than 25% less than energy code requirements. This project also qualified for a LEED innovation credit based on low mercury content lamps. 

Project Completion: April 2015

Project Size: 258,322 Square Feet

Project budget: $150,000,000.00

LPD 0.65 watts/sq.ft. (1.0 allowed per ASHRAE 90.1)

This project was selected for: IES Illumination Design Award of Merit