Cleveland Public Library TechCentral | Cleveland, Ohio

Cleveland Public Library converted the lower level Audio/Visual lending area to TechCentral, a new center for computing and technology. Covering 7,000 square feet, this renovation replaces shelves of CDs and DVDs with tables and counters for 100 new computers - Windows, Mac, and Linux. This is the first facility of it’s kind in the country.  The MyCloud service allows patrons to access their own personal desktop for job search, research, email and social media. Tec completed lighting and technology design for the renovation of the lower level teen section into TechCentral.  

A technology intensive public space requires significant planning to accommodate current and future needs. An innovative modular raised flooring system provides adequate clearance for power and IT cabling, while minimizing impact to the existing architecture. The floor is elevated 2 inches allowing architectural features such as doors to remain unmodified, saving time and money in the renovation. Data ports are built into the furniture for accessibility and a clean aesthetic. 

The architecture is brought to life through refurbished direct/indirect suspended lighting and additional accent lighting. The suspended fixtures illuminate the space evenly while minimizing glare for library patrons working at the computers. The existing intricate ceramic tile mosaic wall is highlighted for the first time with linear led accent lighting mounted to the edge of the counter installed along the wall. Additionally, information desks incorporate integral led technology with 3-form panels to provide a self-illumianted presense in the space. Track lighting has been installed to highlight a display table.