Cleveland Public Library Harvey Rice Branch | Cleveland, Ohio

Tec completed lighting and technology design services for the new construction of the Rice Branch. This project was designed to LEED standards.

The lighting system includes multiple linear runs of suspended direct/indirect luminaires with DALI ballasts. DALI was specified for its ability to separate power from control using the T5HO lamping (specified to meet the IESNA recommended practice footcandle levels for library and stack illumination). With the area being a mix of stacks, circulation and seating, we needed to allow for multiple light levels for the differing tasks required without adding additional circuits to the space for separate control. Existing branch circuit wiring was used without the need for additional feeds. 

Photocells were integrated into a small sample of individual luminaires to take advantage of the daylight contribution from the skylights. Each luminaire was then assigned a photocell to read from; either a stack photocell or a seating area photocell with a similar orientation for consistent light levels based on the time of day and year.

An advantage of this system, allows the library to have nightlights without the need for additional wiring. The system will programmed to allow several luminaires designated as nightlights to not respond to the “All Off” control and to go to a specified nightlight percentage.

Technology design included a computer center that utilizes the raised floor system for routing of data cabling throughout the library; wireless access points; and fire alarm.